1- Artificial Intelligence
We will discuss the following: Artificial, Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Types of Artificial Intelligence, Examples of AI Technology, AI Applications, Artificial Intelligence Labs and Book.
Home TeachingWelcome my students, I hope to enjoy learning our course.
We will discuss the following: Artificial, Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Types of Artificial Intelligence, Examples of AI Technology, AI Applications, Artificial Intelligence Labs and Book.
DownloadWe will discuss the following: 8 Puzzle Problem, N-Queen Problem, Traveler problem, Water Pouring Puzzle, Graph search problem, Graph search, Uninformed Search, Depth First search, Depth Limited search, Breadth First search, Uniform Cost Search. .
DownloadWe will discuss the following: Informed Search, Best First Search, A* Search, Problem.
DownloadAny Problem send me e-mail to mloey@live.com
Benha University: http://bu.edu.eg/staff/mloey