Researches and Projects

Fighting Against COVID-19: A Novel Deep Learning Model Based on YOLO-v2 with ResNet-50 for Medical Face Mask Detection

COVID-19 Cough Sound Symptoms Classification from Scalogram Image Representation using Deep Learning Models

Bayesian-based Optimized Deep Learning Model to Detect COVID-19 Patients Using Chest X-ray Image Data

A Hybrid Deep Transfer Learning Model with Machine Learning Methods for Face Mask Detection in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Study of the Neutrosophic Set Significance on Deep Transfer Learning Models: An Experimental Case on a Limited COVID-19 Chest X-Ray Dataset

A Deep Transfer Learning Model with Classical Data Augmentation and CGAN to Detect COVID-19 from Chest CT Radiography Digital Images

Within the Lack of Chest COVID-19 X-ray Dataset: A Novel Detection Model Based on GAN and Deep Transfer Learning

Arabic Handwritten Digits Dataset

Arabic Handwritten Characters Dataset

A Pen Based Intelligent System for Educating Arabic Handwriting

NVIDIA GPU Grant Titan X Pascal

Design of an Intelligent System for Improving Classification of Cancer Diseases